Women should be the backbone of #TECH industry companies

Women as leaders in IT

By 2025, 85 million jobs will disappear worldwide, but at the same time, 97 million new jobs will emerge, but with the difference that they will require specialized IT skills. Therefore, women should already start investing in their digital competencies.


According to data from the Institute of Innovative Economy Foundation (which deals with creating, implementing, and promoting modern technologies and innovations), globally women in IT positions make up less than 25% of employees. Among managers in technology companies in Europe, there are two times fewer women in business than in other sectors. Meanwhile, the 2021 Woman Update Report (created annually by Future Collars) informs that in Poland there is a shortage of 50,000 IT specialists and salaries for employees have even increased by 20% in the past year. According to the report, increasing digital competencies among women is an opportunity for these sectors to use their potential, attract new staff and strengthen diversity in organizations.

Women Leadership – An Example of a Successful Woman

A great example for all women is Lisa Su, who has been leading one of the most important technology companies, AMD, since 2014, and can be considered a successful woman. It is thanks to her vision and management that AMD, not Intel, is today recognized as the leader in the processor market. According to Associated Press data in 2019, she was also the highest paid CEO in the world.

Women in Business – Managers of the Future

According to the Educational Foundation “Perspectives”, in Poland we should attach greater importance to encouraging women to study courses related to new technologies. According to its report, the proportion of girls in these courses (at public universities) is only 17%, despite the fact that 58% of students in our country are women. Fortunately, there are many initiatives that promote science and technical fields among girls in high schools and technical schools, such as the “Girls on Polytechnics” project. Without a larger number of female graduates of technical courses, intensifying gender balance in company structures in the technology sector will be impossible.

IT Leaders – Creating Opportunities and Motivating

Beata Jarosz and Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska, co-founders of Future Collars and initiators of the Woman Update campaign, emphasize in their report that today, the engagement of all stakeholders is necessary for equal opportunities in the job market: business, local governments, non-profit organizations, and authorities. The support of men is also crucial. According to the initiators, promoting lifelong learning and integrating permanent upskilling programs in the workplace are the foundations that will allow us to wisely use the strength that lies in women and take care of their position in the job market!

In their opinion, in the IT industry, initiatives that introduce women to the world of new IT technologies and show that IT is an industry that is open to everyone, regardless of gender, are a great motivation and help for women.

What kind of leader is a woman?

What can motivate women to take up employment in the area of new technologies? Increasingly, not only the financial attractiveness and benefits offered (check out the 5 best benefits for working mothers), but also the increasingly important flexibility of employment that allows for the realization of one’s own passions and the possibility of balancing work with family life, i.e. Work Life Balance in the company, attracts women.

Women also have many important traits in this industry, such as confidence, creativity, the ability to set visions and goals, and have highly developed communication skills, which in today’s “digital” times are becoming increasingly important.

Properly implemented organizational culture in the company allows for the creation of conditions for the development of the employee’s efficiency.

We are glad that almost #40% of our team at Motivizer are women. Without them, Motivizer would not be where it is today!

Magdalena Wiśniewska, COO Motivizer