Implementation campaign of Employee Capital Plans

1 LIPCA 2019 – obowiązek wdrożenia przepisów Ustawy o Pracowniczych Planach Kapitałowych (PPK). Czy są Państwo gotowi na wdrożenie zmian czekających Pracodawców?

Czy Dział HR jest przygotowany na wdrożenie PPK?

  • Czy w organizacji znane są obowiązki pracodawcy wynikające z ustawy o PPK?
  • Czy został przygotowany harmonogram prac zgodnie z ustawowymi terminami?
  • Czy system kadrowy jest gotowy do naliczania składek?
  • Czy znacie Państwo rolę pracowników w procesie wyboru instytucji zarządzającej PPK?

July 1, 2019 – obligation to implement the provisions of the Employee Capital Plans Act (PPK). Are you ready for the changes awaiting Employers to be implemented?

Is the HR Department prepared for the implementation of PPK?

  • Are the employer’s obligations under the PPK Act known in the organization?
  • Has a work schedule been prepared in accordance with statutory deadlines?
  • Is the payroll system ready to calculate contributions?
  • Do you know the role of employees in the process of selecting the institution managing PPK?

What are the obligations for an employer employing over 250 employees?

Implementation of PPK:

Od 01.07.2019

Deadline for signing a PPK management agreement

Do 25.10.2019

Deadline for signing a PPK administration agreement

Do 12.11.2019

Calculation and collection of the first PPK contribution after the signing of the Administration Agreement


First payments to the selected financial institution managing the PPK.

Do 15

What are the Employee Capital Plans?

PPK, Employee Capital Plans, is a long-term savings system in which an employee, along with the employer and the state, accumulate savings for the PPK participant. The system is voluntary, and savings can be withdrawn after the employee reaches at least 60 years of age. The Polish Development Fund is responsible for implementing the system, and the Financial Supervision Commission supervises the system. Details of the Employee Capital Plans can be found in the law.

According to the deadlines specified in the law, employers with at least 250 employees are subject to a strict schedule. Note! The law provides for a penalty of up to 1.5% of the annual budget for failure to conclude a PPK management agreement on time.

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