Wellbeing in the organization, why is it important?

Wellbeing in the organization

Although there is no exact and scientific definition of this concept, it is assumed that wellbeing is a holistic (psychological and physical), subjective state in which we feel comfortable. In this context, we often talk about our well-being. The very interest in building our own wellbeing or the wellbeing of our organization is the first step in achieving it.

Wellbeing in the organization

In short, wellbeing in the organization is a comprehensive approach to the employee as an individual and meeting his various needs. The Gallup Institute and Healthways company developed the Wellbeing Index, which allowed to indicate the most important elements affecting the level of satisfaction with everyday life, including work.

Wellbeing examples. The most important elements affecting the level of satisfaction with everyday life and work:


  • the desire to work and understanding the purpose of the tasks performed


  • a good, favorable atmosphere, kindness and trust in relationships between employees and between employees and the management team


  • a sense of financial security, satisfaction with remuneration and non-wage benefits,


  • pride in being part of a team and the entire organization, a sense of belonging


  • good health, appropriately high energy levels

As we see, the main needs are related to our psyche, satisfying our ego and ensuring the psychological comfort that is provided, for example, by a sense of financial security. Although health status is only a part of the needs indicated by the Gallup Institute and Healthways, it is still mainly focusing on health that wellbeing programs are built in organizations, which is by definition a mistake. The health aspect may be one of the elements of such a program, but it should not play a key role in it.

Why is it worth implementing well-being in the organization

A conscious and responsible employer should provide their employees with solutions that will improve their well-being at work, but also educate them or provide well-being in their free time. If the employee will feel well-being both at work and outside of work, that is, in the environment of their family and friends, then they have a chance to achieve an optimal level of engagement in performing the tasks assigned to them as part of their responsibilities.

As a manager, team leader, we must be aware that it is impossible to completely separate two worlds, which are personal life and professional life, but we can successfully strive for Work Life Balance. They constantly interact with each other, influence how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.

Good physical health reduces absenteeism at work, a sense of self-realization and a good atmosphere positively affect the indicators of employee satisfaction, and providing a real impact on the organization not only strengthens the employee’s connection with the organization, but can also bring real value increases. The decision to implement well-being programs is one of the best investments an organization can make in this decade. If the program provides an impact on all key areas of the organization, it has a real chance of maximizing the potential of its employees while significantly reducing their turnover.

The implementation of a well-being program in the organization gives additional opportunities for creating a positive image of the company, among both customers, partners, investors and potential future employees. The best specialists are looking for workplaces where their potential can be fully utilized.

Do you know the concept of a Healthy Organization? Check what its role is.

Summary – Wellbeing in Practice

Wellbeing should be among the main initiatives and investments in an organization’s plans and long-term strategy and then become a key obligation. This is important because real daily life determines whether wellbeing activities will build value and become part of the company’s identity or just remain decoration added to subsequent awards, reports, and advertising folders.

At Motivizer, we offer access to a wellness support system through our cafe system, within the PERMA model. It offers Kudos, gamification, sports, psychological support, wellestress, e-Training, and much more.

Check out Wellbeing at Motivizer.


Magdalena Wiśniewska, COO Motivizer