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successful birthday gifts from Allegro

Gift card Allegro in the Motivizer motivational program

We offer Allegro Gift Cards available in denominations from PLN 20 to PLN 500.

Use the Allegro voucher for purchases throughout the shopping service via the website or app.

To use the Allegro gift card when making purchases, select “you have a discount code”.

The most popular shopping platform in Poland

The Allegro voucher can be used for literally everything in the categories of Automotive, Fashion, Home and Garden, Electronics, Books and Collections, Children or Health and Beauty.

Every month, Allegro is visited by 20 million customers – that’s 80 percent of all Internet users in Poland.

Customers have a choice of over 200 million offers of products at favorable prices, which they can conveniently and safely buy using fast and free delivery within Allegro Smart!

shopping through allegro with home delivery
successful shopping on Allegro

What you're looking for is in Allegro.

The most important information for the person using the card

The biggest shopping selection online. The possibility of purchase on installments, payments via SMS. Secure purchases with POK. Offers with free shipping. Don’t wait any longer, find it now! Enjoy fast and free delivery using the Smart package! Smart is a service for buyers within the Allegro auction service. It allows for unlimited and free delivery of items purchased in the service to InPost parcel machines and personal pickup points across the entire country.

eCommerce leader in Poland

The ALLEGRO card can be used in the mobile application

Allegro.pl is the largest e-commerce platform in the Central and Eastern European region. According to data collected by SimilarWeb, it is not only a leader in Poland, but also the tenth largest e-commerce platform in terms of monthly visits. The Allegro community includes over 20 million registered users, and sales on the platform are conducted by over 100,000 small and medium-sized Polish companies: shops, importers, distributors, manufacturers.

Flaga Polski