Retaining Top Talent: Loyalty Programs in Businesses

Employees at work

Has your company experienced a high rate of employee turnover in the past year? Or have you noticed a significant decrease in team productivity and efficiency? In this case, you should review your current motivational system and consider how to increase employee loyalty.

How to Keep Employees from Leaving the Job?

On the one hand, in many cases, financial issues keep employees in a company. Fear of losing a steady income source makes an employee think twice about leaving. However, if financial factors are the only source of motivation, their performance will not be at its highest.

On the other hand, an increasingly developing job market and a shortage of specialist employees means that an unsatisfied team will be looking at competitor offers, which can often be more attractive than yours. So what can be done to keep an employee?

First of all, it is necessary to start from the basics – provide favorable working conditions, a friendly atmosphere in the team (integration events can help with this). It is also necessary to clearly define the scope of duties, so that the employee does not feel that they are given only “the worst” tasks that nobody else wants to do.

Matching the scope of work to the employee’s interests is also important. Although this is not always possible, it is worth checking the passions and additional skills of your team, so that delegated tasks bring them as much pleasure as possible. And what next? How to build relationships that influence employee loyalty?

Non-Material, Basic Employee Conveniences

Before moving on to creating a rewards system and additional benefits, take care of basic conveniences. One of the most prosaic issues is parking – nothing creates greater frustration in the morning than searching for a free parking space… Often located several tens of meters away from the company’s headquarters.

Next, take care of fulfilling the basic needs of employees – provide them with water, coffee, and a place to prepare meals. The comfort of work is just as important as all other factors.

Does the work have to take place in the office? If not, consider introducing a remote work day from home. Firstly, it is a sign of trust in employees. Secondly, an employee who has the possibility of remote work has to take fewer days off for doctor’s visits or official matters. And by using leave in a more pleasant way, they will certainly be more positive about work.

In this case, an equally important issue may be flexible working hours, i.e. the employee has the choice of what hour to come to the office. Of course, this is not possible in every activity, but it is worth considering.

The Work Benefits System

Employee loyalty can also be influenced by additional benefits. Do you want to retain an employee? Provide him with the opportunity to develop through participation in various courses, such as language courses.

Take care of his safety by offering a favorable medical package that allows treatment in private clinics and additional group insurance. Also think about the entertainment aspect. Benefits such as a discount on foreign vacations, a gift voucher to a popular store, access to the latest audiobooks, or the ability to enter various sports facilities for free will make the employee more willing to stay in the company that offers him additional benefits, unrelated to the salary itself.

However, it is extremely important that the employee has the option to choose the benefits that motivate him to work. Otherwise, even the most favorable benefits may not have any positive effect.

Such a loyalty system in companies covers many different areas: creating optimal conditions and a friendly, non-stressful atmosphere, individually adapting tasks to employees’ skills and preparing a wide base of non-wage benefits. An extensive cafeteria system can help with the last issue, but you have to take care of the other aspects yourself.