Report by Sodexo “Employee Needs 2021” – Analysis

Employee needs according to Sodexo research 2021

The global coronavirus pandemic has changed views on benefits among both employers and employees. According to the Sodexo “Employee Needs 2021” survey, the well-being of employees, stability, and flexibility of employers have become key factors.

Over the course of 2021, we see changing needs of employees and we know why standard non-wage benefits such as sports cards or health packages will no longer satisfy employees. Another report, this time from Sodexo, confirms this trend and shows the areas that are key for employees.

Sodexo 2021 Report – “Employee Needs 2021”

The “Employee Needs 2021” survey shows that the most commonly offered benefits are life insurance (39%), PPE / PPK, additional pension programs (38%) and financing for rest (37%). Every fourth surveyed employee thinks that financing for rest should be included in the benefits offer. The second most desired benefits are additional paid leave (36%), followed by flexible work time (28%). This is what the statistics concerning the whole show, but which benefit is perceived as most attractive depends on various factors, including the type of work, the specifics of the profession and industry, as well as the employee’s individual needs and professional and private situation.

Which benefits do manual workers and office workers choose?

Manual workers would most likely choose among benefits additional paid leave (42%), financing for rest (40%), life insurance (27%), financing for commuting/car allowance/fuel reimbursement (26%) and prepaid cards (24%).

Among office workers, the most desired benefits are: financing for rest (38%), flexible work time (33%), additional paid leave (33%), extended, advanced medical packages (29%), as well as basic medical packages for the employee and/or family (26%).

In addition, the Sodexo report tells us that the ideal benefit allows the employee to fulfill their goals, aligns with their values and improves the quality of their life. The importance of Wellbeing in the organization is growing, which is increasingly appreciated by employees from year to year. The key is the feeling that the benefit is tailored to the individual needs of the employee. It is also worth noting that the trend of offering benefits is expanding globally, with the aim of attracting and retaining employees

An employee benefit cafe system tailored to employees’ needs

An ideal solution could be employee benefit cafes – universal solutions that respond to the needs and expectations of both office and physical workers. They allow access to gaming or streaming platforms such as Steam, PlayStation Plus, XBOX Game Pass, Spotify or Netflix, as well as attend various webinars or online activities such as yoga or stress-management (wellstress). They also provide flexibility as they allow freedom of choice. And employees like to feel that they have an impact on their shopping basket.