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Use your voucher for the sports events of your dreams

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Sports competition voucher
Ultramarathon for an employee with Motivizer sports card

w Motivizer

A regular sports card for employees is not enough

Many of your employees use the sports card willingly, but you see that it’s not enough for them? Develop the passions of your employees and give them the opportunity to participate in well-known sports competitions, including the Butcher’s Run Festival.

A voucher for sports events allows you to experience unforgettable emotions, and also works great as a motivator to increase team engagement.

Motivizer is the largest cafeteria system in Poland with Vouchers for sports events

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Vouchers for the sports events you've dreamed of

Use the voucher and take part in legendary runs

Do you know what your employee lives for? What are their passions and what do they work hard for after work? Fulfill the dreams of active employees who live for running and physical activity. Participating in a run, especially the most popular and important ones in the sports calendar, is often a significant expense that the employee cannot or does not want to decide on. A voucher for sports events is a great idea for an occasion or as a reward for exceptional achievements in the company.

Employee athlete takes part in mountain running competition
sport cards for employees with a voucher

Race starter package

How to redeem a Voucher for sports events?

How to redeem a Voucher for sports events? The Voucher4Sport.pl website and the Motivizer cafeteria system have a current list of sports events that you can get vouchers for.

The list will be regularly expanded to include new, well-known and respected sports events.

Redeeming a Vouchera Sportowego in 4 steps:

  • Log in to Motivizer.pl
  • Find “voucher for a sports event” in the “sport” tab
  • Select the value of your voucher and exchange points for a code
  • Use the code on the organizer’s website during registration/payment

Gift Vouchery

Kwotowe karty podarunkowe na Katalog Marzeń

Kwotowe karty podarunkowe są najbardziej uniwersalne. Dają możliwość wyboru dowolnej atrakcji z naszego serwisu. Wybierz wartość zależnie od wielkości Twojego budżetu. Interesuje Cię kwota, której nie widzisz na stronie? Skontaktuj się z nami, stworzymy kartę specjalnie dla Twojej firmy. Gift Voucher to najczęściej wybierany prezent w programach wsparcia sprzedaży.

• Gift Vouchery to kwotowe karty podarunkowe, np. na 100, 200, 500 zł
• Obdarowany może zapłacić Gift Voucherem za zakupy w Katalogu Marzeń
• Gift Vouchery mają 12 miesięcy ważności 

gift voucher
Flaga Polski